Player Properties
This page will act as a representation on using the various player properties.
These are meant to be used on server side.
Used to set or get the player's current armour level.
const currentArmour = player.armour;
player.armour = 5;
player.armour += 10;
player.armour -= 10;
Used to get an authToken provided during early auth implementations. Most users will not be utilizing this.
alt.on('playerConnect', handleConnect);
function handleConnect(player) {
if (!player.authToken) {
player.kick(`No Auth Token Found`);
alt.log(`${}'s authToken is ${authToken}`);
Used to set or get the player's current weapon hash.
player.currentWeapon = alt.hash('weapon_pistol'); // 0x1B06D571
if (player.currentWeapon === 0x1b06d571) {
console.log(`Player has a pistol equipped.`);
If you want to handle all weapon checking server-side in plain English rather than hashes. You should try using a prototype to set and give a player a weapon.
alt.Player.prototype.setWeapon = function(weaponName) {
this.currentWeapon = alt.hash(weaponName);
this.currentWeaponName = weaponName;
Used to get all weapon components that are currently on a player's currently equipped weapon. All weapon components are hashed.
const currentWeaponComponents = player.currentWeaponComponents;
for (let i = 0; i < currentWeaponComponents.length; i++) {
const weaponComponentHash = currentWeaponComponents[i];
Used to get the currently equipped weapon's tint index.
const currentTint = player.currentWeaponTintIndex;
Used to get or set the player's current dimension. Dimensions are based on INT32. Which means there is a minimum and maximum value for a dimension. From -2147483648
to 2147483648
A description for dimensions written by Heron is as follows.
X can see only X
-X can see 0 and -X
0 can't see -X and X
The default dimension is 0.
const currentDimension = player.dimension;
player.dimension = 1;
// If you need a unique instance per player join. This is a decent way to handle it.
// Just remember to set it back to zero after you do whatever you need to do in a unique dimension.
player.dimension =;
Used to get the player's current aim offset. There is currently not existing use case for this specific function.
At the time of writing this document we're not even sure if it's functioning.
Used to get the player's current entity they are aiming at. The current sentiment is that this specific property does not work.
At the time of writing this document we're not even sure if it's functioning.
Used to get the player's flashlight activity?
At the time of writing this document we're not even sure if it's functioning.
Used to get or set the player's current health.
Each model in GTA:V has its own health range.
const currentHealth =; += 10;
// Kill the player. = 0;
This is one of two ways to get a unique hardware hash that belongs to the player.
This is a great way to ban a player; especially when they'll need a whole new set of hardware to get past your ban.
Nobody currently knows the way this hardware information is determined.
const currentHwidEx = player.hwidExHash;
This is one of two ways to get a unique hardware hash that belongs to the player.
This is a great way to ban a player; especially when they'll need a whole new set of hardware to get past your ban.
Nobody currently knows the way this hardware information is determined.
const currentHwid = player.hwidHash;
Used to get the player's current id. These are strictly unique to the join order of a player. If a player disconnects its id will be reused by the new player who connects or vehicle which will be created later.
ID's may be used up to the value 65535
alt.on('playerConnect', handleConnect);
function handleConnect(player) {
alt.log(`${} has joined with the ID of ${}`);
In most cases this is an IP that is converted from IPv4 to IPv6.
An example of what a local host IP looks like: ::ffff:
alt.on('playerConnect', handleConnect);
function handleConnect(player) {
if (player.ip === `::ffff:`) {
alt.log(`${} has joined from local host.`);
Used to set or get the player's current maximum armour. The maximum value this can be set to is 8191
After setting this you can set the player's current armour to the maximum armour value.
const currentMaxArmour = player.maxArmour;
if (currentMaxArmour <= 100) {
player.maxArmour = 8191;
player.armour = 8191;
alt.log(`${} is a chunker.`);
Used to set or get the player's current maximum health. The maximum value this can be set to is 8191
After setting this you can set the player's current health to the maximum health value.
const currentMaxHealth = player.maxHealth;
if (currentMaxHealth <= 100) {
player.maxHealth = 8191; = 8191;
alt.log(`${} is a healthy chunker.`);
Used to set set or get the player's current model.
You may pass a string value here.
No model is set automatically and should be set when the player is connected or authenticated.
alt.on('playerConnect', handleConnect);
function handleConnect(player) {
player.model = 'mp_m_freemode_01';
Used to get the player's current name. This is set by the player in their options.
alt.on('playerConnect', handleConnect);
function handleConnect(player) {
if ( === 'stuyk') {
player.kick(`Stupid name.`);
Used to get the current network owner responsible for syncing an entity with the server. Inherited from entity.
This is not necessarily a useful property for the average developer.
const currentOwner = player.netOwner;
if (!currentOwner) {
console.log(`Looks like nobody owns this entity.`);
Used to get the player's current ping.
Below is a snippet to make player ping accessible by all players.
alt.setInterval(handlePingUpdate, 5000);
function handlePingUpdate() {
const currentPlayers = [...alt.Player.all];
for (let i = 0; i < currentPlayers.length; i++) {
const player = currentPlayers[i];
if (!player || !player.valid) {
Used to get or set the player's current position.
When getting the player's current position you should use a spread operator to make it modifiable.
const currentPos = { ...player.pos };
currentPos.x += 1;
// Teleport them under the map.
player.pos = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
// Create a Vector3 with the alt function.
player.pos = new alt.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Used to get or set the player's current rotation.
// Get and log current player rotation.
// Set player rotation to zero.
player.rot = new alt.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Used to get the current seat that the player is in.
if (player.vehicle && === 1) {
alt.log(`Player is in the driver's seat.`); // Front Left
if (player.vehicle && === 2) {
alt.log(`Player is riding shotgun.`); // Passenger. Right side.
if (player.vehicle && === 3) {
alt.log(`Player is behind the driver's seat.`); // Back Left
if (player.vehicle && === 4) {
alt.log(`Player is behind the player riding shotgun.`); // Back Right
Used to get a non-safe version of a player's current social club identification that is linked to their Rockstar account.
Keep in mind that this value IS NOT SAFE do not use it for authentication. IT CAN BE SPOOFED.
const social = player.socialID;
Used to get if a player entity is still valid. This is useful when using timeouts, intervals, and handling disconnect events.
A player that invalid means that it disconnected from the server.
alt.on('playerDisconnect', handleDisconnect);
function handleDisconnect(player, reason) {
if (!player || !player.valid) {
console.log(`Looks like this player is already invalid. Can't save anything.`);
console.log(`${} has disconnected.`);
Used to get the current vehicle that the player is inside. Returns null if the player is NOT in a vehicle.
const { vehicle } = player
if (vehicle) {
console.log(`Player is in a vehicle. Let's change its color to red!`);
vehicle.customPrimaryColor = new alt.RGBA(255, 0, 0);
if (!player.vehicle) {
console.log(`Player is not in a vehicle.`);