Understanding ScriptID
This is a way for us to identify another player or ourselves on client-side.
A General Overview
- A scriptID is unique to only the client side.
- scriptID will provide us a way to modify the native behavior of a player.
- The usage of the player instance is preferred to the usage of the scriptID.
- They are most often used in tandem with natives.
- They are unique per client per player.
- Do not try to share scriptID with another player. It will not work.
How to obtain it.
Your scriptID for your player can be retrieved in this way.
This is the equivalent of local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
from FiveM.
However, for individual players it depends on how you receive their player instance.
Server Side
import * as alt from 'alt-server';
alt.on('playerConnect', player => {
// Send 'joined' event with a player instance to all players
alt.emitAllClients('joined', player);
Client Side
import * as alt from 'alt-client';
import * as native from 'natives';
alt.onServer('joined', otherPlayer => {
// Check if otherPlayer is our local player
if (otherPlayer === alt.Player.local) {
// Let's freeze ourself.
// Don't actually do this. This is just how most natives work with scriptID.
alt.log(`You have frozen.`);
native.freezeEntityPosition(alt.Player.local.scriptID, true);
// We'll unfreeze ourself in 5 seconds.
alt.setTimeout(() => {
alt.log(`You are unfrozen.`);
// You can preferably use the player instance itself, this will include some internal checks
native.freezeEntityPosition(alt.Player.local, false);
}, 5000);
// Log their scriptID to the 'F8' console.
alt.log(`Their scriptID is: ${otherPlayer.scriptID}`);