Vehicle Models
Informations provided by Pleb Masters: Forge
Hash: 0x9A474B5E
Display Name: Avisa
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x3D961290
Display Name: Dinghy
Hash: 0x107F392C
Display Name: Dinghy
Hash: 0x1E5E54EA
Display Name: Dinghy
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x33B47F96
Display Name: Dinghy
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xC58DA34A
Display Name: Weaponized Dinghy
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x33581161
Display Name: Jetmax
Hash: 0x4FAF0D70
Display Name: Kosatka
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x6EF89CCC
Display Name: Longfin
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xC1CE1183
Display Name: Marquis
Hash: 0xEF813606
Display Name: Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xE2E7D4AB
Display Name: Police Predator
Hash: 0xC2974024
Display Name: Seashark
Hash: 0xDB4388E4
Display Name: Seashark
Hash: 0xED762D49
Display Name: Seashark
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xDC60D2B
Display Name: Speeder
DLC: mpbeach
Hash: 0x1A144F2A
Display Name: Speeder
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x17DF5EC2
Display Name: Squalo
Hash: 0x2DFF622F
Display Name: Submersible
Hash: 0xC07107EE
Display Name: Kraken
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xEF2295C9
Display Name: Suntrap
Hash: 0x3FD5AA2F
Display Name: Toro
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0x362CAC6D
Display Name: Toro
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x1149422F
Display Name: Tropic
Hash: 0x56590FE9
Display Name: Tropic
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x82CAC433
Display Name: Tug
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x7A61B330
Display Name: Benson
Hash: 0x32B91AE8
Display Name: Biff
Hash: 0xD039510B
Display Name: Apocalypse Cerberus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x287FA449
Display Name: Future Shock Cerberus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x71D3B6F0
Display Name: Nightmare Cerberus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x5A82F9AE
Display Name: Hauler
Hash: 0x171C92C4
Display Name: Hauler Custom
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x35ED670B
Display Name: Mule
Hash: 0xC1632BEB
Display Name: Mule
Hash: 0x85A5B471
Display Name: Mule
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x73F4110E
Display Name: Mule Custom
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x501AC93C
Display Name: Mule
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x21EEE87D
Display Name: Packer
Hash: 0x809AA4CB
Display Name: Phantom
Hash: 0x9DAE1398
Display Name: Phantom Wedge
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xA90ED5C
Display Name: Phantom Custom
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x7DE35E7D
Display Name: Pounder
Hash: 0x6290F15B
Display Name: Pounder Custom
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x6827CF72
Display Name: Stockade
Hash: 0xF337AB36
Display Name: Stockade
Hash: 0x897AFC65
Display Name: Terrorbyte
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x42ACA95F
Display Name: Asbo
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xEB70965F
Display Name: Blista
Hash: 0x5C55CB39
Display Name: Brioso R/A
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x55365079
Display Name: Brioso 300
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xE827DE
Display Name: Brioso 300 Widebody
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x82E47E85
Display Name: Club
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xBC993509
Display Name: Dilettante
Hash: 0x64430650
Display Name: Dilettante
Hash: 0xB9CB3B69
Display Name: Issi
Hash: 0x378236E1
Display Name: Issi Classic
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x256E92BA
Display Name: Apocalypse Issi
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x5BA0FF1E
Display Name: Future Shock Issi
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x49E25BA1
Display Name: Nightmare Issi
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x18619B7E
Display Name: Blista Kanjo
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xE644E480
Display Name: Panto
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0xA988D3A2
Display Name: Prairie
Hash: 0x322CF98F
Display Name: Rhapsody
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0x61FE4D6A
Display Name: Weevil
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x13B57D8A
Display Name: Cognoscenti Cabrio
Hash: 0xFFB15B5E
Display Name: Exemplar
Hash: 0xDCBCBE48
Display Name: F620
Hash: 0xE8A8BDA8
Display Name: Felon
Hash: 0xFAAD85EE
Display Name: Felon GT
Hash: 0xDAC67112
Display Name: Jackal
Hash: 0xFC2E479A
Display Name: Kanjo SJ
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x506434F6
Display Name: Oracle XS
Hash: 0xE18195B2
Display Name: Oracle
Hash: 0xEE6F8F79
Display Name: Postlude
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x546DA331
Display Name: Previon
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x50732C82
Display Name: Sentinel XS
Hash: 0x3412AE2D
Display Name: Sentinel
Hash: 0x5E4327C8
Display Name: Windsor
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0x8CF5CAE1
Display Name: Windsor Drop
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xBD1B39C3
Display Name: Zion
Hash: 0xB8E2AE18
Display Name: Zion Cabrio
Hash: 0x43779C54
Display Name: BMX
Hash: 0x1ABA13B5
Display Name: Cruiser
Hash: 0xCE23D3BF
Display Name: Fixter
Hash: 0xF4E1AA15
Display Name: Scorcher
Hash: 0x4339CD69
Display Name: Whippet Race Bike
Hash: 0xB67597EC
Display Name: Endurex Race Bike
Hash: 0xE823FB48
Display Name: Tri-Cycles Race Bike
Hash: 0x45D56ADA
Display Name: Ambulance
Hash: 0x432EA949
Display Name: FIB
Hash: 0x9DC66994
Display Name: FIB
Hash: 0x73920F8E
Display Name: Fire Truck
Hash: 0x1BF8D381
Display Name: Lifeguard
Hash: 0x885F3671
Display Name: Police Prison Bus
Hash: 0x79FBB0C5
Display Name: Police Cruiser
Hash: 0x9F05F101
Display Name: Police Cruiser
Hash: 0x71FA16EA
Display Name: Police Cruiser
Hash: 0x8A63C7B9
Display Name: Unmarked Cruiser
Hash: 0xFDEFAEC3
Display Name: Police Bike
Hash: 0xA46462F7
Display Name: Police Rancher
Hash: 0x95F4C618
Display Name: Police Roadcruiser
Hash: 0x1B38E955
Display Name: Police Transporter
Hash: 0x2C33B46E
Display Name: Park Ranger
Hash: 0xB822A1AA
Display Name: Police Riot
Hash: 0x9B16A3B4
Display Name: RCV
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x9BAA707C
Display Name: Sheriff Cruiser
Hash: 0x72935408
Display Name: Sheriff SUV
Hash: 0x46699F47
Display Name: Akula
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x31F0B376
Display Name: Annihilator
Hash: 0x11962E49
Display Name: Annihilator Stealth
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x2F03547B
Display Name: Buzzard Attack Chopper
Hash: 0x2C75F0DD
Display Name: Buzzard
Hash: 0xFCFCB68B
Display Name: Cargobob
Hash: 0x60A7EA10
Display Name: Cargobob
Hash: 0x53174EEF
Display Name: Cargobob
Hash: 0x78BC1A3C
Display Name: Cargobob
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xE384DD25
Display Name: Conada
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x2C634FBD
Display Name: Frogger
Hash: 0x742E9AC0
Display Name: Frogger
Hash: 0x89BA59F5
Display Name: Havok
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xFD707EDE
Display Name: FH-1 Hunter
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x9D0450CA
Display Name: Maverick
Hash: 0x1517D4D9
Display Name: Police Maverick
Hash: 0xFB133A17
Display Name: Savage
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xD4AE63D9
Display Name: Sea Sparrow
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x494752F7
Display Name: Sparrow
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x5F017E6B
Display Name: Sparrow
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x3E48BF23
Display Name: Skylift
Hash: 0x2A54C47D
Display Name: SuperVolito
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x9C5E5644
Display Name: SuperVolito Carbon
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xEBC24DF2
Display Name: Swift
DLC: mppilot
Hash: 0x4019CB4C
Display Name: Swift Deluxe
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0xA09E15FD
Display Name: Valkyrie
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x5BFA5C4B
Display Name: Valkyrie MOD.0
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x920016F1
Display Name: Volatus
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x7074F39D
Display Name: Dozer
Hash: 0xC3FBA120
Display Name: Cutter
Hash: 0x810369E2
Display Name: Dump
Hash: 0x50B0215A
Display Name: Flatbed
Hash: 0x825A9F4C
Display Name: Guardian
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x1A7FCEFA
Display Name: Dock Handler
Hash: 0xD138A6BB
Display Name: Mixer
Hash: 0x1C534995
Display Name: Mixer
Hash: 0x9A5B1DCC
Display Name: Rubble
Hash: 0x2E19879
Display Name: Tipper
Hash: 0xC7824E5E
Display Name: Tipper
Hash: 0x2189D250
Display Name: APC
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0xCEEA3F4B
Display Name: Barracks
Hash: 0x4008EABB
Display Name: Barracks Semi
Hash: 0x2592B5CF
Display Name: Barracks
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xF34DFB25
Display Name: Barrage
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xD6BC7523
Display Name: Chernobog
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x132D5A1A
Display Name: Crusader
Hash: 0xFE141DA6
Display Name: Half-track
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0xAA6F980A
Display Name: TM-02 Khanjali
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xB53C6C52
Display Name: Invade and Persuade Tank
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x2EA68690
Display Name: Rhino Tank
Hash: 0xBBA2A2F7
Display Name: Apocalypse Scarab
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x5BEB3CE0
Display Name: Future Shock Scarab
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xDD71BFEB
Display Name: Nightmare Scarab
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x58CDAF30
Display Name: Thruster
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x8FD54EBB
Display Name: Anti-Aircraft Trailer
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x780FFBD2
Display Name: Vetir
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x63ABADE7
Display Name: Akuma
Hash: 0x81E38F7F
Display Name: Avarus
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x806B9CC3
Display Name: Bagger
Hash: 0xF9300CC5
Display Name: Bati 801
Hash: 0xCADD5D2D
Display Name: Bati 801RR
Hash: 0x5283265
Display Name: BF400
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xABB0C0
Display Name: Carbon RS
Hash: 0x675ED7
Display Name: Chimera
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x17420102
Display Name: Cliffhanger
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x77934CEE
Display Name: Daemon
Hash: 0xAC4E93C9
Display Name: Daemon
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xFE5F0722
Display Name: Apocalypse Deathbike
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x93F09558
Display Name: Future Shock Deathbike
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xAE12C99C
Display Name: Nightmare Deathbike
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x30FF0190
Display Name: Defiler
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xF1B44F44
Display Name: Diabolus
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x6ABDF65E
Display Name: Diabolus Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x9C669788
Display Name: Double-T
Hash: 0x6882FA73
Display Name: Enduro
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x794CB30C
Display Name: Esskey
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x9229E4EB
Display Name: Faggio Sport
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x350D1AB
Display Name: Faggio
Hash: 0xB328B188
Display Name: Faggio Mod
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x25676EAF
Display Name: FCR 1000
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xD2D5E00E
Display Name: FCR 1000 Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x2C2C2324
Display Name: Gargoyle
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x4B6C568A
Display Name: Hakuchou
DLC: mplts
Hash: 0xF0C2A91F
Display Name: Hakuchou Drag
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x11F76C14
Display Name: Hexer
Hash: 0xF683EACA
Display Name: Innovation
DLC: mplts
Hash: 0x26321E67
Display Name: Lectro
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xA5325278
Display Name: Manchez
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x40C332A3
Display Name: Manchez Scout
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x5285D628
Display Name: Manchez Scout C
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xDA288376
Display Name: Nemesis
Hash: 0xA0438767
Display Name: Nightblade
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x34B82784
Display Name: Oppressor
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x7B54A9D3
Display Name: Oppressor Mk II
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0xC9CEAF06
Display Name: PCJ 600
Hash: 0xAD5E30D7
Display Name: Powersurge
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x6FACDF31
Display Name: Rat Bike
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x76D7C404
Display Name: Reever
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x36A167E0
Display Name: Rampant Rocket
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xCABD11E8
Display Name: Ruffian
Hash: 0x2EF89E46
Display Name: Sanchez (livery)
Hash: 0xA960B13E
Display Name: Sanchez
Hash: 0x58E316C7
Display Name: Sanctus
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x50A6FB9C
Display Name: Shinobi
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xE7D2A16E
Display Name: Shotaro
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x2C509634
Display Name: Sovereign
DLC: mpindependence
Hash: 0x11F58A5A
Display Name: Stryder
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x6D6F8F43
Display Name: Thrust
DLC: mpbusiness2
Hash: 0xF79A00F7
Display Name: Vader
Hash: 0xAF599F01
Display Name: Vindicator
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0xDBA9DBFC
Display Name: Vortex
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xDB20A373
Display Name: Wolfsbane
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xC3D7C72B
Display Name: Zombie Bobber
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xDE05FB87
Display Name: Zombie Chopper
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xB820ED5E
Display Name: Blade
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0x8CC51028
Display Name: Broadway
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xD756460C
Display Name: Buccaneer
Hash: 0xC397F748
Display Name: Buccaneer Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0xDB0C9B04
Display Name: Buffalo STX
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x14D69010
Display Name: Chino
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0xAED64A63
Display Name: Chino Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0xA29F78B0
Display Name: Clique
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x2EC385FE
Display Name: Coquette BlackFin
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0x4C3FFF49
Display Name: Deviant
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x4CE68AC
Display Name: Dominator
Hash: 0xC96B73D9
Display Name: Pisswasser Dominator
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xC52C6B93
Display Name: Dominator GTX
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xD6FB0F30
Display Name: Apocalypse Dominator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xAE0A3D4F
Display Name: Future Shock Dominator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xB2E046FB
Display Name: Nightmare Dominator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x196F9418
Display Name: Dominator ASP
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x2BE8B90A
Display Name: Dominator GTT
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x2B26F456
Display Name: Dukes
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xEC8F7094
Display Name: Duke O'Death
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0x7F3415E3
Display Name: Beater Dukes
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xB472D2B5
Display Name: Ellie
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xB581BF9A
Display Name: Eudora
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x81A9CDDF
Display Name: Faction
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0x95466BDB
Display Name: Faction Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0x866BCE26
Display Name: Faction Custom Donk
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0x94B395C5
Display Name: Gauntlet
Hash: 0x14D22159
Display Name: Redwood Gauntlet
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0x2B0C4DCD
Display Name: Gauntlet Classic
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x734C5E50
Display Name: Gauntlet Hellfire
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x817AFAAD
Display Name: Gauntlet Classic Custom
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x26ED430
Display Name: Greenwood
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0xE83C17
Display Name: Hermes
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x239E390
Display Name: Hotknife
Hash: 0x23CA25F2
Display Name: Hustler
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x83070B62
Display Name: Impaler
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x3C26BD0C
Display Name: Apocalypse Impaler
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x8D45DF49
Display Name: Future Shock Impaler
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x9804F4C7
Display Name: Nightmare Impaler
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x1A861243
Display Name: Apocalypse Imperator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x619C1B82
Display Name: Future Shock Imperator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xD2F77E37
Display Name: Nightmare Imperator
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x7B47A6A7
Display Name: Lurcher
DLC: mphalloween
Hash: 0x665F785D
Display Name: Manana Custom
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x1F52A43F
Display Name: Moonbeam
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0x710A2B9B
Display Name: Moonbeam Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0x8C2BD0DC
Display Name: Nightshade
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x9472CD24
Display Name: Peyote Gasser
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x831A21D5
Display Name: Phoenix
Hash: 0x59E0FBF3
Display Name: Picador
Hash: 0xD83C13CE
Display Name: Rat-Loader
Hash: 0xDCE1D9F7
Display Name: Rat-Truck
DLC: mpchristmas2
Hash: 0xF26CEFF9
Display Name: Ruiner
Hash: 0x381E10BD
Display Name: Ruiner 2000
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x2E5AFD37
Display Name: Ruiner
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x65BDEBFC
Display Name: Ruiner ZZ-8
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x9B909C94
Display Name: Sabre Turbo
Hash: 0xD4EA603
Display Name: Sabre Turbo Custom
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0x2B7F9DE3
Display Name: Slamvan
DLC: mpchristmas2
Hash: 0x31ADBBFC
Display Name: Lost Slamvan
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x42BC5E19
Display Name: Slamvan Custom
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0x8526E2F5
Display Name: Apocalypse Slamvan
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x163F8520
Display Name: Future Shock Slamvan
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x67D52852
Display Name: Nightmare Slamvan
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x72A4C31E
Display Name: Stallion
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xE80F67EE
Display Name: Burger Shot Stallion
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xE478B977
Display Name: Tahoma Coupe
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x39F9C898
Display Name: Tampa
DLC: mpxmas_604490
Hash: 0xB7D9F7F1
Display Name: Weaponized Tampa
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x56D42971
Display Name: Tulip
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x1004EDA4
Display Name: Tulip M-100
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xFD128DFD
Display Name: Vamos
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xCEC6B9B7
Display Name: Vigero
Hash: 0x973141FC
Display Name: Vigero ZX
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0xE2504942
Display Name: Virgo
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0xCA62927A
Display Name: Virgo Classic Custom
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0xFDFFB0
Display Name: Virgo Classic
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0x779B4F2D
Display Name: Voodoo Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0x1F3766E3
Display Name: Voodoo
Hash: 0xC4BB1908
Display Name: Weevil Custom
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x6F946279
Display Name: Yosemite
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x64F49967
Display Name: Drift Yosemite
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x432AA566
Display Name: Injection
Hash: 0xEB298297
Display Name: Bifta
DLC: mpbeach
Hash: 0x8125BCF9
Display Name: Blazer
Hash: 0xFD231729
Display Name: Blazer Lifeguard
Hash: 0xB44F0582
Display Name: Hot Rod Blazer
Hash: 0xE5BA6858
Display Name: Street Blazer
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xA1355F67
Display Name: Blazer Aqua
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xAA699BB6
Display Name: Bodhi
Hash: 0x3B639C8D
Display Name: Boor
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xA7CE1BC5
Display Name: Brawler
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0x27D79225
Display Name: Apocalypse Bruiser
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x9B065C9E
Display Name: Future Shock Bruiser
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x8644331A
Display Name: Nightmare Bruiser
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x7F81A829
Display Name: Apocalypse Brutus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x8F49AE28
Display Name: Future Shock Brutus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x798682A2
Display Name: Nightmare Brutus
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x4ABEBF23
Display Name: Caracara
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xAF966F3C
Display Name: Caracara 4x4
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x698521E3
Display Name: Duneloader
Hash: 0xD235A4A6
Display Name: Draugur
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0xB6410173
Display Name: Dubsta 6x6
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0x9CF21E0F
Display Name: Dune Buggy
Hash: 0x1FD824AF
Display Name: Space Docker
Hash: 0x711D4738
Display Name: Dune FAV
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0xCEB28249
Display Name: Ramp Buggy
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xED62BFA9
Display Name: Ramp Buggy
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x97553C28
Display Name: Everon
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xFCC2F483
Display Name: Freecrawler
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0xEA6A047F
Display Name: Hellion
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x9114EADA
Display Name: Insurgent Pick-Up
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x7B7E56F0
Display Name: Insurgent
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x8D4B7A8A
Display Name: Insurgent Pick-Up Custom
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x5852838
Display Name: Kalahari
DLC: mpbeach
Hash: 0xF8C2E0E7
Display Name: Kamacho
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x49863E9C
Display Name: Marshall
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0x79DD18AE
Display Name: Menacer
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x84F42E51
Display Name: Mesa
Hash: 0xCD93A7DB
Display Name: Monster
DLC: mpindependence
Hash: 0x669EB40A
Display Name: Apocalypse Sasquatch
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x32174AFC
Display Name: Future Shock Sasquatch
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xD556917C
Display Name: Nightmare Sasquatch
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x19DD9ED1
Display Name: Nightshark
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x185E2FF3
Display Name: Outlaw
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xD80F4A44
Display Name: Patriot Mil-Spec
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x6210CBB0
Display Name: Rancher XL
Hash: 0x7341576B
Display Name: Rancher XL
Hash: 0xEEF345EC
Display Name: RC Bandito
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xB802DD46
Display Name: Rusty Rebel
Hash: 0x8612B64B
Display Name: Rebel
Hash: 0xA4A4E453
Display Name: Riata
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xB9210FD0
Display Name: Sandking XL
Hash: 0x3AF8C345
Display Name: Sandking SWB
Hash: 0x83051506
Display Name: Technical
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x4662BCBB
Display Name: Technical Aqua
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x50D4D19F
Display Name: Technical Custom
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x612F4B6
Display Name: Trophy Truck
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xD876DBE2
Display Name: Desert Raid
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x2C1FEA99
Display Name: Vagrant
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x11CBC051
Display Name: Verus
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xF376F1E6
Display Name: Winky
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x409D787
Display Name: Yosemite Rancher
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x4C8DBA51
Display Name: Zhaba
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x1446590A
Display Name: PR4
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x8B213907
Display Name: R88
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x58F77553
Display Name: BR8
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x4669D038
Display Name: DR1
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xEA313705
Display Name: RO-86 Alkonost
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xA52F6866
Display Name: Alpha-Z1
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x81BD2ED0
Display Name: Avenger
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x18606535
Display Name: Avenger
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x6CBD1D6D
Display Name: Besra
DLC: mppilot
Hash: 0xF7004C86
Display Name: Atomic Blimp
Hash: 0xDB6B4924
Display Name: Xero Blimp
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xEDA4ED97
Display Name: Blimp
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0xFE0A508C
Display Name: RM-10 Bombushka
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x15F27762
Display Name: Cargo Plane
Hash: 0x8B4864E1
Display Name: Cargo Plane
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xD9927FE3
Display Name: Cuban 800
Hash: 0xCA495705
Display Name: Dodo
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0x39D6779E
Display Name: Duster
Hash: 0xC3F25753
Display Name: Howard NX-25
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x39D6E83F
Display Name: Hydra
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x3F119114
Display Name: Jet
Hash: 0xB39B0AE6
Display Name: P-996 LAZER
Hash: 0x250B0C5E
Display Name: Luxor
Hash: 0xB79F589E
Display Name: Luxor Deluxe
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0x97E55D11
Display Name: Mammatus
Hash: 0x96E24857
Display Name: Ultralight
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x9D80F93
Display Name: Miljet
DLC: mppilot
Hash: 0xD35698EF
Display Name: Mogul
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x5D56F01B
Display Name: V-65 Molotok
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xB2CF7250
Display Name: Nimbus
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x3DC92356
Display Name: P-45 Nokota
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xAD6065C0
Display Name: Pyro
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xC5DD6967
Display Name: Rogue
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xE8983F9F
Display Name: Seabreeze
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0xB79C1BF5
Display Name: Shamal
Hash: 0x9A9EB7DE
Display Name: LF-22 Starling
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x64DE07A1
Display Name: B-11 Strikeforce
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x81794C70
Display Name: Mallard
Hash: 0x761E2AD3
Display Name: Titan
Hash: 0x3E2E4F8A
Display Name: Tula
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x9C429B6A
Display Name: Velum
Hash: 0x403820E8
Display Name: Velum 5-Seater
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x4FF77E37
Display Name: Vestra
DLC: mpbusiness
Hash: 0x1AAD0DED
Display Name: Volatol
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xC6C3242D
Display Name: Cable Car
Hash: 0x3D6AAA9B
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0xAFD22A6
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0xBDEC3D99
Display Name: Freight Train
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x36DCFF98
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0xE512E79
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0x264D9262
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0x33C9E158
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0x22EDDC30
Display Name: Freight Train
Hash: 0x94204D89
Display Name: Asea
Hash: 0x9441D8D5
Display Name: Asea
Hash: 0x8E9254FB
Display Name: Asterope
Hash: 0xA4F52C13
Display Name: Cinquemila
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x360A438E
Display Name: Cognoscenti 55
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x29FCD3E4
Display Name: Cognoscenti 55 (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x86FE0B60
Display Name: Cognoscenti
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xDBF2D57A
Display Name: Cognoscenti (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x5B531351
Display Name: Deity
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xD7278283
Display Name: Emperor
Hash: 0x8FC3AADC
Display Name: Emperor
Hash: 0xB5FCF74E
Display Name: Emperor
Hash: 0x71CB2FFB
Display Name: Fugitive
Hash: 0x47A6BC1
Display Name: Glendale
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0xC98BBAD6
Display Name: Glendale Custom
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xB3206692
Display Name: Ingot
Hash: 0x34DD8AA1
Display Name: Intruder
Hash: 0xF92AEC4D
Display Name: Turreted Limo
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x8FB66F9B
Display Name: Premier
Hash: 0xBB6B404F
Display Name: Primo
Hash: 0x86618EDA
Display Name: Primo Custom
DLC: mplowrider
Hash: 0xFF22D208
Display Name: Regina
Hash: 0x91673D0E
Display Name: Rhinehart
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x2560B2FC
Display Name: Romero Hearse
Hash: 0xB52B5113
Display Name: Schafter
Hash: 0xCB0E7CD9
Display Name: Schafter V12 (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x72934BE4
Display Name: Schafter LWB (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x1324E960
Display Name: Stafford
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0xA7EDE74D
Display Name: Stanier
Hash: 0x66B4FC45
Display Name: Stratum
Hash: 0x8B13F083
Display Name: Stretch
Hash: 0x42F2ED16
Display Name: Super Diamond
Hash: 0x8F0E3594
Display Name: Surge
Hash: 0xC3DDFDCE
Display Name: Tailgater
Hash: 0xB5D306A4
Display Name: Tailgater S
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x51D83328
Display Name: Warrener
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0x2290C50A
Display Name: Warrener HKR
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x69F06B57
Display Name: Washington
Hash: 0x4C80EB0E
Display Name: Airport Bus
Hash: 0xEDC6F847
Display Name: Brickade
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xA2073353
Display Name: Brickade 6x6
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xD577C962
Display Name: Bus
Hash: 0x84718D34
Display Name: Dashound
Hash: 0x149BD32A
Display Name: Festival Bus
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x829A3C44
Display Name: Dune
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xBE819C63
Display Name: Rental Shuttle Bus
Hash: 0xC703DB5F
Display Name: Taxi
Hash: 0x73B1C3CB
Display Name: Tourbus
Hash: 0x72435A19
Display Name: Trashmaster
Hash: 0xB527915C
Display Name: Trashmaster
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x8E08EC82
Display Name: Wastelander
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x2DB8D1AA
Display Name: Alpha
DLC: mpbusiness
Hash: 0xC1E908D2
Display Name: Banshee
Hash: 0x4BFCF28B
Display Name: Bestia GTS
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x3DEE5EDA
Display Name: Blista Compact
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xDCBC1C3B
Display Name: Go Go Monkey Blista
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xEDD516C6
Display Name: Buffalo
Hash: 0x2BEC3CBE
Display Name: Buffalo S
Hash: 0xE2C013E
Display Name: Sprunk Buffalo
DLC: spupgrade
Hash: 0xB8D657AD
Display Name: Calico GTF
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x7B8AB45F
Display Name: Carbonizzare
Hash: 0xC1AE4D16
Display Name: Comet
Hash: 0x877358AD
Display Name: Comet Retro Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x5D1903F9
Display Name: Comet Safari
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x276D98A3
Display Name: Comet SR
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x991EFC04
Display Name: Comet S2
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x440851D8
Display Name: Comet S2 Cabrio
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x67BC037
Display Name: Coquette
Hash: 0x98F65A5E
Display Name: Coquette D10
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xD3046147
Display Name: Corsita
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x68A5D1EF
Display Name: Cypher
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x28EAB80F
Display Name: 8F Drafter
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xBBA2261
Display Name: Elegy Retro Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xDE3D9D22
Display Name: Elegy RH8
Hash: 0x7980BDD5
Display Name: Euros
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0xF82BC92E
Display Name: Hotring Everon
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x8911B9F5
Display Name: Feltzer
Hash: 0xB4F32118
Display Name: Flash GT
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xBF1691E0
Display Name: Furore GT
DLC: mplts
Hash: 0x1DC0BA53
Display Name: Fusilade
Hash: 0x7836CE2F
Display Name: Futo
Hash: 0xA6297CC8
Display Name: Futo GTX
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x71CBEA98
Display Name: GB200
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x4DC079D7
Display Name: Growler
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x42836BE5
Display Name: Hotring Sabre
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xBC7C0A00
Display Name: Imorgon
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x6E8DA4F7
Display Name: Issi Sport
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xEC3E3404
Display Name: Itali GTO
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xBB78956A
Display Name: Itali RSX
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xB2A716A3
Display Name: Jester
DLC: mpbusiness
Hash: 0xBE0E6126
Display Name: Jester (Racecar)
DLC: mpchristmas2
Hash: 0xF330CB6A
Display Name: Jester Classic
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xA1B3A871
Display Name: Jester RR
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0xF38C4245
Display Name: Jugular
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x206D1B68
Display Name: Khamelion
Hash: 0xCE44C4B9
Display Name: Komoda
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xAE2BFE94
Display Name: Kuruma
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x187D938D
Display Name: Kuruma (armored)
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xC7E55211
Display Name: Locust
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x1CBDC10B
Display Name: Lynx
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xF77ADE32
Display Name: Massacro
DLC: mpbusiness2
Hash: 0xDA5819A3
Display Name: Massacro (Racecar)
DLC: mpchristmas2
Hash: 0x9F6ED5A2
Display Name: Neo
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x91CA96EE
Display Name: Neon
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x3D8FA25C
Display Name: 9F
Hash: 0xA8E38B01
Display Name: 9F Cabrio
Hash: 0xD1AD4937
Display Name: Omnis
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xE1E2E6D7
Display Name: Omnis e-GT
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x7D326F04
Display Name: Panthere
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xE550775B
Display Name: Paragon R
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x546D8EEE
Display Name: Paragon R (Armored)
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x33B98FE2
Display Name: Pariah
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xE9805550
Display Name: Penumbra
Hash: 0xDA5EC7DA
Display Name: Penumbra FF
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x402586F8
Display Name: 300R
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xA4D99B7D
Display Name: Raiden
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x8CB29A14
Display Name: Rapid GT
Hash: 0x679450AF
Display Name: Rapid GT
Hash: 0xD7C56D39
Display Name: Raptor
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x5216AD5E
Display Name: Remus
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0xE78CC3D9
Display Name: Revolter
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xE505CF99
Display Name: RT3000
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x2AE524A8
Display Name: Ruston
DLC: mpspecialraces
Hash: 0xA774B5A6
Display Name: Schafter V12
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x58CF185C
Display Name: Schafter LWB
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xE1C03AB0
Display Name: Schlagen GT
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xD37B7976
Display Name: Schwartzer
Hash: 0x41D149AA
Display Name: Sentinel
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xAF1FA439
Display Name: Sentinel Classic Widebody
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x97398A4B
Display Name: Seven-70
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x2E3967B0
Display Name: SM722
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x706E2B40
Display Name: Specter
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x400F5147
Display Name: Specter Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x67D2B389
Display Name: Streiter
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x3ADB9758
Display Name: Sugoi
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x39DA2754
Display Name: Sultan
Hash: 0x3404691C
Display Name: Sultan Classic
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0xEEA75E63
Display Name: Sultan RS Classic
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x16E478C1
Display Name: Surano
Hash: 0xC0240885
Display Name: Drift Tampa
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xCAB6E261
Display Name: 10F
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x10635A0E
Display Name: 10F Widebody
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x707E63A4
Display Name: Tropos Rallye
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xA42FC3A5
Display Name: Vectre
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x41B77FA4
Display Name: Verlierer
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0xCCE5C8FA
Display Name: Veto Classic
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xA703E4A9
Display Name: Veto Modern
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x56CDEE7D
Display Name: V-STR
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x91373058
Display Name: ZR350
DLC: mptuner
Hash: 0x20314B42
Display Name: Apocalypse ZR380
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xBE11EFC6
Display Name: Future Shock ZR380
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0xA7DCC35C
Display Name: Nightmare ZR380
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x97E5533
Display Name: Ardent
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x6FF6914
Display Name: Roosevelt
DLC: mpvalentines
Hash: 0xCE6B35A4
Display Name: Fränken Stange
DLC: mphalloween
Hash: 0xDC19D101
Display Name: Roosevelt Valor
DLC: mpvalentines2
Hash: 0x3822BDFE
Display Name: Casco
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xC514AAE0
Display Name: Cheburek
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xD4E5F4D
Display Name: Cheetah Classic
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x3C4E2113
Display Name: Coquette Classic
DLC: mppilot
Hash: 0x586765FB
Display Name: Deluxo
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x127E90D5
Display Name: Dynasty
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x6068AD86
Display Name: Fagaloa
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xA29D6D10
Display Name: Stirling GT
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0x8408F33A
Display Name: GT500
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xAC33179C
Display Name: Infernus Classic
DLC: mpspecialraces
Hash: 0x3EAB5555
Display Name: JB 700
Hash: 0x177DA45C
Display Name: JB 700W
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x9CFFFC56
Display Name: Mamba
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x81634188
Display Name: Manana
Hash: 0x3E5BD8D9
Display Name: Michelli GT
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0xE62B361B
Display Name: Monroe
Hash: 0xCB642637
Display Name: Nebula Turbo
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x6D19CCBC
Display Name: Peyote
Hash: 0x4201A843
Display Name: Peyote Custom
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x404B6381
Display Name: Pigalle
DLC: mphipster
Hash: 0x7A2EF5E4
Display Name: Rapid GT Classic
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x6DBD6C0A
Display Name: Retinue
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x79178F0A
Display Name: Retinue Mk II
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x35DED0DD
Display Name: Savestra
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x5C23AF9B
Display Name: Stinger
Hash: 0x82E499FA
Display Name: Stinger GT
Hash: 0x34DBA661
Display Name: Stromberg
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x1DD4C0FF
Display Name: Swinger
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x56C8A5EF
Display Name: Toreador
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0x59A9E570
Display Name: Torero
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x1BB290BC
Display Name: Tornado
Hash: 0x5B42A5C4
Display Name: Tornado
Hash: 0x690A4153
Display Name: Tornado
Hash: 0x86CF7CDD
Display Name: Tornado
Hash: 0x94DA98EF
Display Name: Tornado Custom
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0xA31CB573
Display Name: Tornado Rat Rod
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0xC575DF11
Display Name: Turismo Classic
DLC: mpspecialraces
Hash: 0xE8A8BA94
Display Name: Viseris
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x3201DD49
Display Name: 190z
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x6F039A67
Display Name: Zion Classic
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x2D3BD401
Display Name: Z-Type
Hash: 0xB779A091
Display Name: Adder
Hash: 0xED552C74
Display Name: Autarch
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0x25C5AF13
Display Name: Banshee 900R
DLC: mpjanuary2016
Hash: 0x9AE6DDA1
Display Name: Bullet
Hash: 0xC972A155
Display Name: Champion
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xB1D95DA0
Display Name: Cheetah
Hash: 0x52FF9437
Display Name: Cyclone
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x5EE005DA
Display Name: Deveste Eight
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x4EE74355
Display Name: Emerus
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x8198AEDC
Display Name: Entity XXR
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x6838FC1D
Display Name: Entity MT
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xB2FE5CF9
Display Name: Entity XF
Hash: 0x5502626C
Display Name: FMJ
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x3944D5A0
Display Name: Furia
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x4992196C
Display Name: GP1
DLC: mpspecialraces
Hash: 0xA9EC907B
Display Name: Ignus
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x18F25AC7
Display Name: Infernus
Hash: 0x85E8E76B
Display Name: Itali GTB
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xE33A477B
Display Name: Itali GTB Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xD86A0247
Display Name: Krieger
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xB6846A55
Display Name: RE-7B
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xFF5968CD
Display Name: LM87
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x3DA47243
Display Name: Nero
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x4131F378
Display Name: Nero Custom
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x767164D6
Display Name: Osiris
DLC: mpluxe
Hash: 0x9734F3EA
Display Name: Penetrator
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x92EF6E04
Display Name: 811
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x7E8F677F
Display Name: X80 Proto
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xDF381E5
Display Name: Reaper
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xECA6B6A3
Display Name: S80RR
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x5097F589
Display Name: SC1
DLC: mpchristmas2017
Hash: 0xD9F0503D
Display Name: Scramjet
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x30D3F6D8
Display Name: ETR1
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0xEE6024BC
Display Name: Sultan RS
DLC: mpjanuary2016
Hash: 0x6322B39A
Display Name: T20
DLC: mpluxe2
Hash: 0xBC5DC07E
Display Name: Taipan
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x1044926F
Display Name: Tempesta
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x3D7C6410
Display Name: Tezeract
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x3E3D1F59
Display Name: Thrax
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xAF0B8D48
Display Name: Tigon
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0xF62446BA
Display Name: Torero XO
DLC: mpsum2
Hash: 0x185484E1
Display Name: Turismo R
DLC: mpbusiness
Hash: 0xE99011C2
Display Name: Tyrant
DLC: mpassault
Hash: 0x7B406EFB
Display Name: Tyrus
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x142E0DC3
Display Name: Vacca
Hash: 0x7397224C
Display Name: Vagner
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0xB5EF4C33
Display Name: Vigilante
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x27E34161
Display Name: Virtue
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xC4810400
Display Name: Visione
DLC: mpsmuggler
Hash: 0x9F4B77BE
Display Name: Voltic
Hash: 0x3AF76F4A
Display Name: Rocket Voltic
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0x36B4A8A9
Display Name: XA-21
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x2714AA93
Display Name: Zeno
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xAC5DF515
Display Name: Zentorno
DLC: mpbusiness2
Hash: 0xD757D97D
Display Name: Zorrusso
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0x258C9364
Display Name: Astron
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xCFCA3668
Display Name: Baller
Hash: 0x8852855
Display Name: Baller
Hash: 0x6FF0F727
Display Name: Baller LE
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x25CBE2E2
Display Name: Baller LE LWB
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x1C09CF5E
Display Name: Baller LE (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x27B4E6B0
Display Name: Baller LE LWB (Armored)
DLC: mpapartment
Hash: 0x1573422D
Display Name: Baller ST
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x32B29A4B
Display Name: BeeJay XL
Hash: 0x779F23AA
Display Name: Cavalcade
Hash: 0xD0EB2BE5
Display Name: Cavalcade
Hash: 0x28B67ACA
Display Name: Contender
DLC: mpstunt
Hash: 0x462FE277
Display Name: Dubsta
Hash: 0xE882E5F6
Display Name: Dubsta
Hash: 0xBC32A33B
Display Name: FQ 2
Hash: 0x9628879C
Display Name: Granger
Hash: 0xF06C29C7
Display Name: Granger 3600LX
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0xA3FC0F4D
Display Name: Gresley
Hash: 0x34B7390F
Display Name: Habanero
Hash: 0x1D06D681
Display Name: Huntley S
DLC: mpbusiness2
Hash: 0x5C6C00B4
Display Name: Issi Rally
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x27816B7E
Display Name: I-Wagen
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x1B8165D3
Display Name: Jubilee
DLC: mpsecurity
Hash: 0x4BA4E8DC
Display Name: Landstalker
Hash: 0xCE0B9F22
Display Name: Landstalker XL
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x36848602
Display Name: Mesa
Hash: 0xD36A4B44
Display Name: Mesa
Hash: 0x92F5024E
Display Name: Novak
DLC: mpvinewood
Hash: 0xCFCFEB3B
Display Name: Patriot
Hash: 0xE6E967F8
Display Name: Patriot Stretch
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x9D96B45B
Display Name: Radius
Hash: 0x4F48FC4
Display Name: Rebla GTS
DLC: mpheist3
Hash: 0x7F5C91F1
Display Name: Rocoto
Hash: 0x48CECED3
Display Name: Seminole
Hash: 0x94114926
Display Name: Seminole Frontier
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x4FB1A214
Display Name: Serrano
Hash: 0xF9E67C05
Display Name: Squaddie
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xBA5334AC
Display Name: Toros
DLC: mpchristmas2018
Hash: 0x47BBCF2E
Display Name: XLS
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xE6401328
Display Name: XLS (Armored)
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0x5D0AAC8F
Display Name: Airtug
Hash: 0xB8081009
Display Name: Army Trailer
Hash: 0xA7FF33F5
Display Name: Army Trailer
Hash: 0x9E6B14D6
Display Name: Army Trailer
Hash: 0xE82AE656
Display Name: Baletrailer
Hash: 0x1F3D44B5
Display Name: Boat Trailer
Hash: 0x44623884
Display Name: Caddy
Hash: 0xDFF0594C
Display Name: Caddy
Hash: 0xD227BDBB
Display Name: Caddy
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x806EFBEE
Display Name:
Hash: 0xCB44B1CA
Display Name: Docktug
Hash: 0x58E49664
Display Name: Forklift
Hash: 0xD1ABB666
Display Name:
Hash: 0x3CC7F596
Display Name: Graintrailer
Hash: 0x6A4BD8F6
Display Name: Lawn Mower
Hash: 0x153E1B0A
Display Name:
Hash: 0x174CB172
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0xCD935EF9
Display Name: Ripley
Hash: 0xDC434E51
Display Name: Sadler
Hash: 0x2BC345D1
Display Name: Sadler
Hash: 0x9A9FD3DF
Display Name: Scrap Truck
Hash: 0xC1A8A914
Display Name: Slamtruck
DLC: mpheist4
Hash: 0xD46F4737
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x74998082
Display Name:
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xB12314E0
Display Name: Towtruck
Hash: 0xE5A2D6C6
Display Name: Towtruck
Hash: 0x7BE032C6
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x6A59902D
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x7CAB34D0
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x61D6BA8C
Display Name: Tractor
Hash: 0x843B73DE
Display Name: Fieldmaster
Hash: 0x562A97BD
Display Name: Fieldmaster
Hash: 0x5993F939
Display Name: Mobile Operations Center
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x782A236D
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0xCBB2BE0E
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0xA1DA3C91
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x8548036D
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0xBE66F5AA
Display Name: Trailer
DLC: mpgunrunning
Hash: 0x2A72BEAB
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0xAF62F6B2
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x967620BE
Display Name: Trailer
Hash: 0x1ED0A534
Display Name: Utility Truck
Hash: 0x34E6BF6B
Display Name: Utility Truck
Hash: 0x7F2153DF
Display Name: Utility Truck
Hash: 0xFEFD644F
Display Name: Bison
Hash: 0x7B8297C5
Display Name: Bison
Hash: 0x67B3F020
Display Name: Bison
Hash: 0x3FC5D440
Display Name: Bobcat XL
Hash: 0x898ECCEA
Display Name: Boxville
Hash: 0xF21B33BE
Display Name: Boxville
Hash: 0x7405E08
Display Name: Boxville
Hash: 0x1A79847A
Display Name: Boxville
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0x28AD20E1
Display Name: Armored Boxville
DLC: mpimportexport
Hash: 0xAFBB2CA4
Display Name: Burrito
Hash: 0xC9E8FF76
Display Name:
Hash: 0x98171BD3
Display Name: Burrito
Hash: 0x353B561D
Display Name: Burrito
Hash: 0x437CF2A0
Display Name: Burrito
Hash: 0x6FD95F68
Display Name: Camper
Hash: 0x97FA4F36
Display Name: Gang Burrito
Hash: 0x11AA0E14
Display Name: Gang Burrito
DLC: mpheist
Hash: 0xF8D48E7A
Display Name: Journey
Hash: 0x9F04C481
Display Name: Journey II
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0xED7EADA4
Display Name: Minivan
Hash: 0xBCDE91F0
Display Name: Minivan Custom
DLC: mplowrider2
Hash: 0x58B3979C
Display Name: Paradise
DLC: mpbeach
Hash: 0xF8DE29A8
Display Name: Pony
Hash: 0x38408341
Display Name: Pony
Hash: 0x4543B74D
Display Name: Rumpo
Hash: 0x961AFEF7
Display Name: Rumpo
Hash: 0x57F682AF
Display Name: Rumpo Custom
DLC: mpexecutive
Hash: 0xCFB3870C
Display Name: Speedo
Hash: 0x2B6DC64A
Display Name: Clown Van
Hash: 0xD17099D
Display Name: Speedo Custom
DLC: mpbattle
Hash: 0x29B0DA97
Display Name: Surfer
Hash: 0xB1D80E06
Display Name: Surfer
Hash: 0xC247AEE5
Display Name: Surfer Custom
DLC: mpchristmas3
Hash: 0x744CA80D
Display Name: Taco Van
Hash: 0x3E5F6B8
Display Name: Youga
Hash: 0x3D29CD2B
Display Name: Youga Classic
DLC: mpbiker
Hash: 0x6B73A9BE
Display Name: Youga Classic 4x4
DLC: mpsum
Hash: 0x589A840C
Display Name: Youga Custom
DLC: mpsecurity
This vehicles are in the gamefiles, but can't be used.
Hash: 0x5C54030C
Display Name: Arbiter GT
DLC: mpg9ec
Hash: 0xA71D0D4F
Display Name: Astron Custom
DLC: mpg9ec
Hash: 0x170341C2
Display Name: Cyclone II
DLC: mpg9ec
Hash: 0x39085F47
Display Name: Weaponized Ignus
DLC: mpg9ec
Hash: 0x438F6593
Display Name: S95
DLC: mpg9ec
export class VehicleModel {
static adder = 0xB779A091;
static airbus = 0x4C80EB0E;
static airtug = 0x5D0AAC8F;
static akula = 0x46699F47;
static akuma = 0x63ABADE7;
static alkonost = 0xEA313705;
static alpha = 0x2DB8D1AA;
static alphaz1 = 0xA52F6866;
static ambulance = 0x45D56ADA;
static annihilator = 0x31F0B376;
static annihilator2 = 0x11962E49;
static apc = 0x2189D250;
static ardent = 0x97E5533;
static armytanker = 0xB8081009;
static armytrailer = 0xA7FF33F5;
static armytrailer2 = 0x9E6B14D6;
static asbo = 0x42ACA95F;
static asea = 0x94204D89;
static asea2 = 0x9441D8D5;
static asterope = 0x8E9254FB;
static astron = 0x258C9364;
static autarch = 0xED552C74;
static avarus = 0x81E38F7F;
static avenger = 0x81BD2ED0;
static avenger2 = 0x18606535;
static avisa = 0x9A474B5E;
static bagger = 0x806B9CC3;
static baletrailer = 0xE82AE656;
static baller = 0xCFCA3668;
static baller2 = 0x8852855;
static baller3 = 0x6FF0F727;
static baller4 = 0x25CBE2E2;
static baller5 = 0x1C09CF5E;
static baller6 = 0x27B4E6B0;
static baller7 = 0x1573422D;
static banshee = 0xC1E908D2;
static banshee2 = 0x25C5AF13;
static barracks = 0xCEEA3F4B;
static barracks2 = 0x4008EABB;
static barracks3 = 0x2592B5CF;
static barrage = 0xF34DFB25;
static bati = 0xF9300CC5;
static bati2 = 0xCADD5D2D;
static benson = 0x7A61B330;
static besra = 0x6CBD1D6D;
static bestiagts = 0x4BFCF28B;
static bf400 = 0x5283265;
static bfinjection = 0x432AA566;
static biff = 0x32B91AE8;
static bifta = 0xEB298297;
static bison = 0xFEFD644F;
static bison2 = 0x7B8297C5;
static bison3 = 0x67B3F020;
static bjxl = 0x32B29A4B;
static blade = 0xB820ED5E;
static blazer = 0x8125BCF9;
static blazer2 = 0xFD231729;
static blazer3 = 0xB44F0582;
static blazer4 = 0xE5BA6858;
static blazer5 = 0xA1355F67;
static blimp = 0xF7004C86;
static blimp2 = 0xDB6B4924;
static blimp3 = 0xEDA4ED97;
static blista = 0xEB70965F;
static blista2 = 0x3DEE5EDA;
static blista3 = 0xDCBC1C3B;
static bmx = 0x43779C54;
static boattrailer = 0x1F3D44B5;
static bobcatxl = 0x3FC5D440;
static bodhi2 = 0xAA699BB6;
static bombushka = 0xFE0A508C;
static boor = 0x3B639C8D;
static boxville = 0x898ECCEA;
static boxville2 = 0xF21B33BE;
static boxville3 = 0x7405E08;
static boxville4 = 0x1A79847A;
static boxville5 = 0x28AD20E1;
static brawler = 0xA7CE1BC5;
static brickade = 0xEDC6F847;
static brickade2 = 0xA2073353;
static brioso = 0x5C55CB39;
static brioso2 = 0x55365079;
static brioso3 = 0xE827DE;
static broadway = 0x8CC51028;
static bruiser = 0x27D79225;
static bruiser2 = 0x9B065C9E;
static bruiser3 = 0x8644331A;
static brutus = 0x7F81A829;
static brutus2 = 0x8F49AE28;
static brutus3 = 0x798682A2;
static btype = 0x6FF6914;
static btype2 = 0xCE6B35A4;
static btype3 = 0xDC19D101;
static buccaneer = 0xD756460C;
static buccaneer2 = 0xC397F748;
static buffalo = 0xEDD516C6;
static buffalo2 = 0x2BEC3CBE;
static buffalo3 = 0xE2C013E;
static buffalo4 = 0xDB0C9B04;
static bulldozer = 0x7074F39D;
static bullet = 0x9AE6DDA1;
static burrito = 0xAFBB2CA4;
static burrito2 = 0xC9E8FF76;
static burrito3 = 0x98171BD3;
static burrito4 = 0x353B561D;
static burrito5 = 0x437CF2A0;
static bus = 0xD577C962;
static buzzard = 0x2F03547B;
static buzzard2 = 0x2C75F0DD;
static cablecar = 0xC6C3242D;
static caddy = 0x44623884;
static caddy2 = 0xDFF0594C;
static caddy3 = 0xD227BDBB;
static calico = 0xB8D657AD;
static camper = 0x6FD95F68;
static caracara = 0x4ABEBF23;
static caracara2 = 0xAF966F3C;
static carbonizzare = 0x7B8AB45F;
static carbonrs = 0xABB0C0;
static cargobob = 0xFCFCB68B;
static cargobob2 = 0x60A7EA10;
static cargobob3 = 0x53174EEF;
static cargobob4 = 0x78BC1A3C;
static cargoplane = 0x15F27762;
static cargoplane2 = 0x8B4864E1;
static casco = 0x3822BDFE;
static cavalcade = 0x779F23AA;
static cavalcade2 = 0xD0EB2BE5;
static cerberus = 0xD039510B;
static cerberus2 = 0x287FA449;
static cerberus3 = 0x71D3B6F0;
static champion = 0xC972A155;
static cheburek = 0xC514AAE0;
static cheetah = 0xB1D95DA0;
static cheetah2 = 0xD4E5F4D;
static chernobog = 0xD6BC7523;
static chimera = 0x675ED7;
static chino = 0x14D69010;
static chino2 = 0xAED64A63;
static cinquemila = 0xA4F52C13;
static cliffhanger = 0x17420102;
static clique = 0xA29F78B0;
static club = 0x82E47E85;
static coach = 0x84718D34;
static cog55 = 0x360A438E;
static cog552 = 0x29FCD3E4;
static cogcabrio = 0x13B57D8A;
static cognoscenti = 0x86FE0B60;
static cognoscenti2 = 0xDBF2D57A;
static comet2 = 0xC1AE4D16;
static comet3 = 0x877358AD;
static comet4 = 0x5D1903F9;
static comet5 = 0x276D98A3;
static comet6 = 0x991EFC04;
static comet7 = 0x440851D8;
static conada = 0xE384DD25;
static contender = 0x28B67ACA;
static coquette = 0x67BC037;
static coquette2 = 0x3C4E2113;
static coquette3 = 0x2EC385FE;
static coquette4 = 0x98F65A5E;
static corsita = 0xD3046147;
static cruiser = 0x1ABA13B5;
static crusader = 0x132D5A1A;
static cuban800 = 0xD9927FE3;
static cutter = 0xC3FBA120;
static cyclone = 0x52FF9437;
static cypher = 0x68A5D1EF;
static daemon = 0x77934CEE;
static daemon2 = 0xAC4E93C9;
static deathbike = 0xFE5F0722;
static deathbike2 = 0x93F09558;
static deathbike3 = 0xAE12C99C;
static defiler = 0x30FF0190;
static deity = 0x5B531351;
static deluxo = 0x586765FB;
static deveste = 0x5EE005DA;
static deviant = 0x4C3FFF49;
static diablous = 0xF1B44F44;
static diablous2 = 0x6ABDF65E;
static dilettante = 0xBC993509;
static dilettante2 = 0x64430650;
static dinghy = 0x3D961290;
static dinghy2 = 0x107F392C;
static dinghy3 = 0x1E5E54EA;
static dinghy4 = 0x33B47F96;
static dinghy5 = 0xC58DA34A;
static dloader = 0x698521E3;
static docktrailer = 0x806EFBEE;
static docktug = 0xCB44B1CA;
static dodo = 0xCA495705;
static dominator = 0x4CE68AC;
static dominator2 = 0xC96B73D9;
static dominator3 = 0xC52C6B93;
static dominator4 = 0xD6FB0F30;
static dominator5 = 0xAE0A3D4F;
static dominator6 = 0xB2E046FB;
static dominator7 = 0x196F9418;
static dominator8 = 0x2BE8B90A;
static double = 0x9C669788;
static drafter = 0x28EAB80F;
static draugur = 0xD235A4A6;
static dubsta = 0x462FE277;
static dubsta2 = 0xE882E5F6;
static dubsta3 = 0xB6410173;
static dukes = 0x2B26F456;
static dukes2 = 0xEC8F7094;
static dukes3 = 0x7F3415E3;
static dump = 0x810369E2;
static dune = 0x9CF21E0F;
static dune2 = 0x1FD824AF;
static dune3 = 0x711D4738;
static dune4 = 0xCEB28249;
static dune5 = 0xED62BFA9;
static duster = 0x39D6779E;
static dynasty = 0x127E90D5;
static elegy = 0xBBA2261;
static elegy2 = 0xDE3D9D22;
static ellie = 0xB472D2B5;
static emerus = 0x4EE74355;
static emperor = 0xD7278283;
static emperor2 = 0x8FC3AADC;
static emperor3 = 0xB5FCF74E;
static enduro = 0x6882FA73;
static entity2 = 0x8198AEDC;
static entity3 = 0x6838FC1D;
static entityxf = 0xB2FE5CF9;
static esskey = 0x794CB30C;
static eudora = 0xB581BF9A;
static euros = 0x7980BDD5;
static everon = 0x97553C28;
static everon2 = 0xF82BC92E;
static exemplar = 0xFFB15B5E;
static f620 = 0xDCBCBE48;
static faction = 0x81A9CDDF;
static faction2 = 0x95466BDB;
static faction3 = 0x866BCE26;
static fagaloa = 0x6068AD86;
static faggio = 0x9229E4EB;
static faggio2 = 0x350D1AB;
static faggio3 = 0xB328B188;
static fbi = 0x432EA949;
static fbi2 = 0x9DC66994;
static fcr = 0x25676EAF;
static fcr2 = 0xD2D5E00E;
static felon = 0xE8A8BDA8;
static felon2 = 0xFAAD85EE;
static feltzer2 = 0x8911B9F5;
static feltzer3 = 0xA29D6D10;
static firetruk = 0x73920F8E;
static fixter = 0xCE23D3BF;
static flashgt = 0xB4F32118;
static flatbed = 0x50B0215A;
static fmj = 0x5502626C;
static forklift = 0x58E49664;
static formula = 0x1446590A;
static formula2 = 0x8B213907;
static fq2 = 0xBC32A33B;
static freecrawler = 0xFCC2F483;
static freight = 0x3D6AAA9B;
static freightcar = 0xAFD22A6;
static freightcar2 = 0xBDEC3D99;
static freightcont1 = 0x36DCFF98;
static freightcont2 = 0xE512E79;
static freightgrain = 0x264D9262;
static freighttrailer = 0xD1ABB666;
static frogger = 0x2C634FBD;
static frogger2 = 0x742E9AC0;
static fugitive = 0x71CB2FFB;
static furia = 0x3944D5A0;
static furoregt = 0xBF1691E0;
static fusilade = 0x1DC0BA53;
static futo = 0x7836CE2F;
static futo2 = 0xA6297CC8;
static gargoyle = 0x2C2C2324;
static gauntlet = 0x94B395C5;
static gauntlet2 = 0x14D22159;
static gauntlet3 = 0x2B0C4DCD;
static gauntlet4 = 0x734C5E50;
static gauntlet5 = 0x817AFAAD;
static gb200 = 0x71CBEA98;
static gburrito = 0x97FA4F36;
static gburrito2 = 0x11AA0E14;
static glendale = 0x47A6BC1;
static glendale2 = 0xC98BBAD6;
static gp1 = 0x4992196C;
static graintrailer = 0x3CC7F596;
static granger = 0x9628879C;
static granger2 = 0xF06C29C7;
static greenwood = 0x26ED430;
static gresley = 0xA3FC0F4D;
static growler = 0x4DC079D7;
static gt500 = 0x8408F33A;
static guardian = 0x825A9F4C;
static habanero = 0x34B7390F;
static hakuchou = 0x4B6C568A;
static hakuchou2 = 0xF0C2A91F;
static halftrack = 0xFE141DA6;
static handler = 0x1A7FCEFA;
static hauler = 0x5A82F9AE;
static hauler2 = 0x171C92C4;
static havok = 0x89BA59F5;
static hellion = 0xEA6A047F;
static hermes = 0xE83C17;
static hexer = 0x11F76C14;
static hotknife = 0x239E390;
static hotring = 0x42836BE5;
static howard = 0xC3F25753;
static hunter = 0xFD707EDE;
static huntley = 0x1D06D681;
static hustler = 0x23CA25F2;
static hydra = 0x39D6E83F;
static ignus = 0xA9EC907B;
static imorgon = 0xBC7C0A00;
static impaler = 0x83070B62;
static impaler2 = 0x3C26BD0C;
static impaler3 = 0x8D45DF49;
static impaler4 = 0x9804F4C7;
static imperator = 0x1A861243;
static imperator2 = 0x619C1B82;
static imperator3 = 0xD2F77E37;
static infernus = 0x18F25AC7;
static infernus2 = 0xAC33179C;
static ingot = 0xB3206692;
static innovation = 0xF683EACA;
static insurgent = 0x9114EADA;
static insurgent2 = 0x7B7E56F0;
static insurgent3 = 0x8D4B7A8A;
static intruder = 0x34DD8AA1;
static issi2 = 0xB9CB3B69;
static issi3 = 0x378236E1;
static issi4 = 0x256E92BA;
static issi5 = 0x5BA0FF1E;
static issi6 = 0x49E25BA1;
static issi7 = 0x6E8DA4F7;
static issi8 = 0x5C6C00B4;
static italigtb = 0x85E8E76B;
static italigtb2 = 0xE33A477B;
static italigto = 0xEC3E3404;
static italirsx = 0xBB78956A;
static iwagen = 0x27816B7E;
static jackal = 0xDAC67112;
static jb700 = 0x3EAB5555;
static jb7002 = 0x177DA45C;
static jester = 0xB2A716A3;
static jester2 = 0xBE0E6126;
static jester3 = 0xF330CB6A;
static jester4 = 0xA1B3A871;
static jet = 0x3F119114;
static jetmax = 0x33581161;
static journey = 0xF8D48E7A;
static journey2 = 0x9F04C481;
static jubilee = 0x1B8165D3;
static jugular = 0xF38C4245;
static kalahari = 0x5852838;
static kamacho = 0xF8C2E0E7;
static kanjo = 0x18619B7E;
static kanjosj = 0xFC2E479A;
static khamelion = 0x206D1B68;
static khanjali = 0xAA6F980A;
static komoda = 0xCE44C4B9;
static kosatka = 0x4FAF0D70;
static krieger = 0xD86A0247;
static kuruma = 0xAE2BFE94;
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static luxor = 0x250B0C5E;
static luxor2 = 0xB79F589E;
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static mamba = 0x9CFFFC56;
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static manchez = 0xA5325278;
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static manchez3 = 0x5285D628;
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static massacro = 0xF77ADE32;
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static mesa = 0x36848602;
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static michelli = 0x3E5BD8D9;
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static nokota = 0x3DC92356;
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static phantom3 = 0xA90ED5C;
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static sanchez2 = 0xA960B13E;
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static sc1 = 0x5097F589;
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static sultanrs = 0xEE6024BC;
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static trash2 = 0xB527915C;
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static trophytruck2 = 0xD876DBE2;
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static tropic2 = 0x56590FE9;
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static tulip = 0x56D42971;
static tulip2 = 0x1004EDA4;
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static tyrant = 0xE99011C2;
static tyrus = 0x7B406EFB;
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static utillitruck2 = 0x34E6BF6B;
static utillitruck3 = 0x7F2153DF;
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static vader = 0xF79A00F7;
static vagner = 0x7397224C;
static vagrant = 0x2C1FEA99;
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static valkyrie2 = 0x5BFA5C4B;
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static vectre = 0xA42FC3A5;
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static verlierer2 = 0x41B77FA4;
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static vetir = 0x780FFBD2;
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static veto2 = 0xA703E4A9;
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static vigero2 = 0x973141FC;
static vigilante = 0xB5EF4C33;
static vindicator = 0xAF599F01;
static virgo = 0xE2504942;
static virgo2 = 0xCA62927A;
static virgo3 = 0xFDFFB0;
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static viseris = 0xE8A8BA94;
static visione = 0xC4810400;
static volatol = 0x1AAD0DED;
static volatus = 0x920016F1;
static voltic = 0x9F4B77BE;
static voltic2 = 0x3AF76F4A;
static voodoo = 0x779B4F2D;
static voodoo2 = 0x1F3766E3;
static vortex = 0xDBA9DBFC;
static vstr = 0x56CDEE7D;
static warrener = 0x51D83328;
static warrener2 = 0x2290C50A;
static washington = 0x69F06B57;
static wastelander = 0x8E08EC82;
static weevil = 0x61FE4D6A;
static weevil2 = 0xC4BB1908;
static windsor = 0x5E4327C8;
static windsor2 = 0x8CF5CAE1;
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static wolfsbane = 0xDB20A373;
static xa21 = 0x36B4A8A9;
static xls = 0x47BBCF2E;
static xls2 = 0xE6401328;
static yosemite = 0x6F946279;
static yosemite2 = 0x64F49967;
static yosemite3 = 0x409D787;
static youga = 0x3E5F6B8;
static youga2 = 0x3D29CD2B;
static youga3 = 0x6B73A9BE;
static youga4 = 0x589A840C;
static z190 = 0x3201DD49;
static zeno = 0x2714AA93;
static zentorno = 0xAC5DF515;
static zhaba = 0x4C8DBA51;
static zion = 0xBD1B39C3;
static zion2 = 0xB8E2AE18;
static zion3 = 0x6F039A67;
static zombiea = 0xC3D7C72B;
static zombieb = 0xDE05FB87;
static zorrusso = 0xD757D97D;
static zr350 = 0x91373058;
static zr380 = 0x20314B42;
static zr3802 = 0xBE11EFC6;
static zr3803 = 0xA7DCC35C;
static ztype = 0x2D3BD401;
Created with GTA V Data Dumps from DurtyFree