This is a little example how to create Vehicles Serverside in C#. You need to add the reference to the NuGet Package AltV.Net.Resources.Chat.Api
First Example
This example will spawn a Adder near you after you died!
/* We create our IScript class */
public class AltV_Wiki : IScript
/* We declare & Create our Event Handler. */
public static void OnPlayerDeath(IPlayer player, IPlayer killer, uint reason)
//We spawn the dead Player
player.Spawn(new Position(0, 0, 72));
//We Create a Adder near the local player.
IVehicle veh = Alt.CreateVehicle(AltV.Net.Enums.VehicleModel.Adder, new Position(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y + 1.5f, player.Position.Z), player.Rotation);
//We notify the Client.
player.SendChatMessage("You just respawned! Enjoy your Adder.");
Second Example
This example shows you how to Create a Command, that spawns a Vehicle.
/* We create our IScript class */
public class AltV_Wiki : IScript
public static void CreateVehicle(IPlayer player, string VehicleName, int R = 0, int G = 0, int B = 0){
IVehicle veh = Alt.CreateVehicle(Alt.Hash(VehicleName), new Position(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y + 1.5f, player.Position.Z), player.Rotation);
//If the Vehicle Creation was successfull, then it should notify you.
if (veh != null) { player.SendChatMessage("You just Created a " + VehicleName); }
//Parameter : (uint model, Position pos, Rotation rotation)
Alt.CreateVehicle(AltV.Net.Enums.VehicleModel.Adder, new Position(0, 0, 0), new Rotation(0,0,0));