Create Script
Make sure you have created a resource before.
Classes that extend IScript are getting auto initiaized.
using System;
namespace My.Package
public class MyScript : IScript
Scripts can register event handlers via method attributes.
For adding a player connect handler. The method name doesn't matter for script events.
public void PlayerConnect(IPlayer player, string reason)
player.Model = (uint) PedModel.FreemodeMale01;
For adding a custom event handler. The method name is used as a event name when its not defined in the attribute.
// Here the event name is 'MyEventName' and the event handler receives server events
public static void MyEventName2(string message)
// Here the event name is 'MyCustomEvent' and the event handler receives server events
public static void MyCustomEvent(string message)
// Here the event name is 'MyClientEventName' and the event handler receives client events
public static void MyClientEventName2(string message)
// Here the event name is 'MyClientCustomEvent' and the event handler receives client events
public static void MyClientCustomEvent(string message)
The ScriptEvent method signatures are the same as the signatures used when registering the events via Alt.OnPlayerConnect ect.