Discord OAuth
The Discord OAuth (Open Authorization) is used to identify a user by the usage of a Discord account. By using the built-in OAuth token request you'll receive a token which can be used to identify the user against the Discord api.
The returned data of the token validation can be found at the Discord api documentation.
Step-by-Step tutorial
Before you can use the OAuth token you need to create a Discord application.
To create a new application you need to:
- Open the Discord Developer Portal and login with your discord account
- Click the "New Application" button on the top right
- Fill in your applications name and click on create
- Go to "OAuth2" and then "General"
- Click on "Add Redirect", enter
and click "Save Changes" in the bottom bar - Copy the "CLIENT ID" on the top - it will be needed for the next step
Client-side code
// Enter the client id here
const DISCORD_APP_ID = '1234567890';
async function getOAuthToken() {
try {
const token = await alt.Discord.requestOAuth2Token(DISCORD_APP_ID);
alt.emitServer('token', token);
} catch (e) {
// Error can be due invalid app id, discord server issues or the user denying access.
Server-side code
alt.onClient('token', async (player, token) => {
// Validate the token with a GET request to the Discord api
const request = await axios
.get('https://discordapp.com/api/users/@me', {
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
.catch((err) => {
return null;
// Check if the request was successful and if the neccessary properties are included
if (!request || !request.data || !request.data.id || !request.data.username) {
player.kick('Authorization failed');
// Example of returned properties
alt.log(`Id: ${request.data.id}`);
alt.log(`Name: ${request.data.username}#${request.data.discriminator}`);