Custom launchers must comply with our ToS.
As an alternative to the custom launcher, it is possible to obtain a branded launcher.
The branded launcher is available from the Patreon "Diamond" tier or higher and features several server-specific displays such as an RSS feed, launcher and UI background, logo, primary color, and server name.
In order for a user to activate this branding, a "Apply server skin" checkbox is shown when connecting to the server, which is enabled by default.
To set up the custom launcher for your server visit our server manager.
You can check out the following examples for some of the available customizations:
RSS Feed
The title of the RSS feed is visible above the feed. If the 'title' property of the RSS feed is an empty string, the translation of 'Latest news' in the users language will be used instead.
Item Properties
The following properties of the RSS feed entries are processed by the launcher:
Property | Required | Description |
title | No | Title of the post, displayed at the beginning of the post |
link | No | Opens in the browser when the user clicks on the post |
pubDate | Yes | Date of publication of the post. Displayed at the end in the user's language-specific formatting |
description | Yes | Content of the post. Use of various HTML elements is allowed. The allowed elements are covered in the following topic. |
dc:creator | No | Creator of the post. Allows the use of HTML. |
HTML usage
The following HTML elements are allowed and can be used in the RSS feed:
address, article, aside, footer, header, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, main, nav, section, blockquote, dd, div, dl, dt, figcaption, figure, hr, li, main, ol, p, pre, ul, a, abbr, b, bdi, bdo, br, cite, code, data, dfn, em, i, kbd, mark, q, rb, rp, rt, rtc, ruby, s, samp, small, span, strong, sub, sup, time, u, var, wbr, caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, img, del
Special elements
Unless otherwise specified, the display styles of the elements listed below follow the display style of Discord.
<span data-spoiler>content</span>
Displays a spoiler that can be revealed by the user clicking on it.
Localized strings
<!-- Localized string without arguments -->
<span data-localized>LOCALIZATION_KEY</span>
<!-- Localized string with arguments -->
<span data-localized="localization argument">LOCALIZATION_KEY</span>
A list of translated strings can be found in the altv-locales repository.
The usage of the localized strings is only possible in the properties description
and dc:creator
<span data-timestamp="F">1675455031</span>
The timestamp behaves like a timestamp in Discord and displays the respective time in the user's timezone.
The content of the span is a Unix timestamp and the possible formats are based on Discords syntax.
If no other format is specified, the "F" format is used by default.
<span data-mention="255, 0, 0">@zziger</span>
Displays a mention. As the value of the attribute, a color in RGB syntax separated by a comma can be specified.
If no value is specified, Discord's default mention color is used.
<img data-emoji src="https://emoji/icon/url.png" alt="emojiname">
Displays an image as a small inline element (1.375em height).
Allowed in the description and dc:creator properties.
Image row
<span data-images>
<img src="https://image/one/url.png" alt="image one">
<img src="https://image/two/url.png" alt="image two">
<img src="https://image/three/url.png" alt="image three">
Displays the given images in a horizontally scrollable list. The scrollbar is only shown when the width exceeds the possible display. Recommended for example for galleries.
<blockquote>quote content</blockquote>
Displays the specified content as a quote.
<code>Inline code</code>
Displays the specified text as code without line breaks.
Multi line
Code block