The server.toml
configuration file
The server.toml
file is the most important configuration file, it is the main configuration file for your whole server, and will define
important configurations like server name, amount of slots, loaded resources and more.
Basic configuration for development of JS resources
# An array of all modules (specific language support on server-side) that should be loaded
modules = ["js-module"]
# An array of all resources that should be loaded
resources = ["example"]
# Enables reconnect command, CEF debug and other developer features
debug = true
Here is a list of all configuration options for the server.toml
and what they are used for:
DO NOT copy all options into your server config, only use the options you really need.
# The display name of your server
name = "My server name"
# The binding address of your server (usually
host = ""
# The port of your server (default 7788)
port = 7788
# The amount of players that can play on your server concurrently
players = 256
# The password required to join your server
password = "mySecretPassword"
# If the server should be visible on the masterlist in the alt:V client
announce = true
# Token to announce the server to the masterlist
token = "superSecretToken"
# The gamemode your server is running
gamemode = "Freeroam"
# The website of your server
website = ""
# The language of your server
language = "English"
# The description of your server
description = "My cool server"
# If the debug mode should be allowed (Debug mode allows debugging functions like reconnect or the CEF debugger)
debug = false
# The stream in distance for entities
streamingDistance = 400
# The migration distance for entities
migrationDistance = 150
# The timeout multiplier (must be >= 1)
timeout = 1
# The delay that is used when the announceRetryErrorAttempts are reached (in ms)
announceRetryErrorDelay = 10000
# Max retries until announceRetryErrorDelay will be used
announceRetryErrorAttempts = 50
# Max players which can connect with the same ip address
duplicatePlayers = 4096
# Enable or disable syncedMetadata
enableSyncedMetaData = true
# Key for shared resources. Can be used to share resources between multiple servers, so users don't have to download them separatedly
sharedProjectKey = "altv-shared"
# Display name for shared resources bundle (visible in alt:V client settings)
sharedProjectName = "alt:V shared"
# Max size of client to server script events in bytes
maxClientScriptEventSize = 8192
# Max size of server to client script events in bytes
maxServerScriptEventSize = 524288
#When false unknown rpc events will result in a kick
allowUnknownRPCEvents = true
# Define the map bound size
mapBoundsMinX = -10000
mapBoundsMinY = -10000
mapBoundsMaxX = 65536
mapBoundsMaxY = 65536
mapCellAreaSize = 100 #smaller areas uses more ram and less cpu
# Defines the rate (miliseconds) in which colshape calculations should occur
colShapeTickRate = 200
# Defines the used logging streams (console, file, stdconsole) for the server
logStreams = [ "console", "file" ]
# The tags for your server (max. 4)
tags = [
# Should connection queue be enabled for your server.
# ConnectionQueueAdd & ConnectionQueueRemove serverside events are required to accept or decline connections
connectionQueue = false
# Should early auth be used for your server
useEarlyAuth = false
# The url for the early auth login page (only used when useEarlyAuth is true)
earlyAuthUrl = ""
# Should a CDN be used for your server
useCdn = false
# The url for the CDN page
# Outdated Notation: ""
cdnUrl = ""
# Should alt:V server send all clients player name on connect
sendPlayerNames = true
# Spawn player automatically at 0,0,71 after connect
spawnAfterConnect = true
# An array of all resources that should be loaded
resources = [
# Since alt:V 10.0 you can also use resources in subdirectories
# Since alt:V 15.0 you can even use * wildcard character to use all folders as resources
# An array of all modules that should be loaded
modules = [
# If dlcWhitelist contains any dlcs, it will only enable these specific game DLCs. Useful when you want to maintain a list of 'supported' DLCs on your server because of game limits, ID shifts, etc. Below defined setting would make sure to only load the mpBeach, mpBusiness and patchday27ng R* dlc contents
# See complete DLC list at
dlcWhitelist = [
# Obfuscate resource names
hashClientResourceName = true
# Disables creation of props marked as "optional"
disableOptionalProps = false
# The amount of server side managed entities per type that can be streamed at the same time per player. If more than the set amount of entities are in streaming range, the closest n entities (as defined below) of the specific type will be streamed. Changing these values can cause performance and stability issues.
peds = 128 # Max 220, shared type for server side created NPC peds + player peds
objects = 120 # Max 120, server side created objects
vehicles = 128 # Max 220, server side created vehicles
entities = 128 # Defined the max limit of entities, indepent of type, that can be streamed at the same time
# Configure GTA game pool sizes to extend them. These game pools define the limits of certain aspects in the game, extending them can and will cause stability and performance issues. Please test changes carefully.
# See this article for a complete list of game pools:
"DrawableStore" = 240420 # Example of raised DrawableStore pool
# Profiling entity creation, systems like streaming etc
port = 7797
host = ""
# Configure the amount of threads used for different kind of processing in the alt:V server. You should in total never configure more threads than your server hardware has threads.
# For example, when your hardware has 12 threads, use 8 for sync send, 2 for receive and all other at 1.
streamer = 1 # Processing of streamed entities
migration = 1 # Processing of netowner calculations
syncSend = 8 # Processing of sending sync data, should be always the highest amount
syncReceive = 2 # Processing of receiving sync data, should be around 1/4 of syncSend
# Enables server-side weapon checks
# For example, if a weapon is given via giveWeaponToPed native it won't be synced
weaponSwitch = true
# Enables collision checks so natives like setEntityNoCollisionEntity will not work
collision = true
# Settings related to js-module
# ""
source-maps = true
# ""
heap-profiler = true
# Enable profiler
profiler = true
# ""
global-webcrypto = true
# ""
network-imports = true
# Add extra cli arguments to the node environment ""
extra-cli-args = ["--max-old-space-size=8192"]
# Settings related to c#-module
# Disable dependency (NuGet) check and download at server startup, this is recommended if you have a bad connection to the NuGet server (e.g china)
disableDependencyDownload = true
# Voice configuration (category needs atleast to exist in configuration, to enable voice chat)
# See this article for more info:
# The bitrate of the voice server
bitrate = 64000
# The secret for the external server (only needed when using externalHost)
# The secret must consist of numeric values only
externalSecret = "1234567890"
# The external host address (leave, if voice-server is on same machine)
externalHost = ""
# The external host port
externalPort = 7798
# The external host public address (should be the ip address of your server, not localhost!)
externalPublicHost = "xx.xx.xx.xx"
# The external host public port
externalPublicPort = 7799