Checkpoint API
Since alt:V Update 15 there is a class for creating client side checkpoints. These client side checkpoints are easier to create and use, as they are automatically streamed on client side.
Checkpoint class in JS API reference
Checkpoint class in C# API reference
Checkpoints inherit the ColShape class, thus colShape events work on it aswell.
This example changes the Checkpoint Color to green when the local Player enters it. When the local Player is not inside of it, the checkpoint color will be red.

alt.on('consoleCommand', commandName => {
if (commandName !== 'addcp') return;
const iconColor = new alt.RGBA(255, 255, 255, 100);
const pos = alt.Player.local.pos.sub(0, 0, 1);
const nextPos = pos.add(2, 1, 0);
new alt.Checkpoint(2, pos, nextPos, 1, 2, new alt.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 100), iconColor, 100);
function handleCheckpointEnterLeave(checkpoint, entity, state) {
if (entity !== alt.Player.local) return;
checkpoint.color = state ? new alt.RGBA(0, 255, 0, 100) : new alt.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 100);
alt.on('entityEnterColshape', (colShape, entity) => {
if (!(colShape instanceof alt.Checkpoint)) return;
handleCheckpointEnterLeave(colShape, entity, true);
alt.on('entityLeaveColshape', (colShape, entity) => {
if (!(colShape instanceof alt.Checkpoint)) return;
handleCheckpointEnterLeave(colShape, entity, false);