This update was released on 04.02.2022
This update contains breaking changes, which can potentially break the functionality of your gamemode, please verify and change accordingly.
- 9.1:
- Fixed crash in worker.pause & worker.resume
- Change invalid timer id message to warning
- 9.3:
- Fixed model change
- Fixed invisible player & vehicles after server start in some cases
- 9.4:
- Fixed bytecode related issues
- 9.5:
- Fixed ENB compatibility
- 9.6:
- Added cloth validation for overwritten gta dlc's, custom clothes & props
- Reduced AttachmentExtension pool & extendet AnimStore pool
- 9.7:
- Add support for latest Rockstar Launcher Update
- 9.8:
- alt.isKeyDown returned true when key was pressed but game not focused
- 9.10:
- Add support for GTA version 2612
- 9.12:
- Crashfix for GTA version 2612
- 9.13:
- Disable placeholder files from gta version 2612
- 9.14:
- Add support for GTA version 2628
- 9.15:
- Fix crashes introduced in GTA version 2628
- debug http server for reconnect
- isReloading getter
- alt.Profiler.getMemoryProfile
- alt.isCamFrozen()
- password in connect url
- spawned event
- disabled social club menu
- Option to exit Game Inside GTA:V Menu
- alt.copyToClipboard
- start menu shortcut
- reuse last password on reconnect command if no password specified
- alt.worldToScreen, alt.screenToWorld & alt.getCamPos
- vehicle seatCount getter
- Vector2 and RGBA support in webviews
- netowner getter returned null
- discord api wasn't working if it was started after alt:V launch
- players didn't die at vehicle explosion
- player got rejected if the server has no password, but pw field was not empty
- player to player attach
- "Temp data already defined"-Error
- sometimes it wasn't possible to reconnect if you got a timeout once
- weaponswap configflag deactivated vehicle weapons
- setArtificialLightsState native
- GetCursorPosition and SetCursorPosition was usable if game window was out of focus
- getHeadshotBase64 crashes
- AltV Voice LipSync
Breaking changes
- client mods that need d3d11.dll to work are now disabled until further notice
- warning when Server is started with debug mode
- string support in beforePlayerConnect event
- voice channel GetPlayers and GetPlayerCount
- server starts with default config if no server.cfg exists
- alt.stopServer
- IsEntityInStreamingRange accepts entity id now
- Warning when specifying cdn url without protocol
- don't stream in players that are not spawned
- warning when announcing but CDN URL is empty
- warning when health or armour setters are used with invalid values
- 3 unknown train setter & getter
- getVehicleModelInfoByHash
- improved net owner calculations
- improved server.cfg error message for Invalid token
- polygon colshape
- improved colshape remove performance
- sync data optimization for high population areas
- multithreaded sync
- thread safe synced meta data
- thread safe vehicle and player apis
- improved server loop performance
- connection queue
- --help command-line option
- Crash if entity id limit is reached
- OnPlayerLeaveVehicle event is never fired when a player disconnects
- Vehicle locked state setter
- crashes when using restartResource or stopResource
- fixed colshape entity race conditions causing error logs
- fixed connect race condition keeping entity connected
- train doors were always open
- version getter was broken on linux
- vehicle healthdata getter was broken on linux
Breaking changes
- vehicle base64 getters and setter are now checking the gta version and the old data before this change is incompatible
Server & Client
- localMeta Api
- getAllResources method
- alt.time & alt.timeEnd