This update was released on 24.12.2020
- setRotationVelocity
- Handling per vehicle
- alt.takeScreenshot
- alt.takeScreenshotGameOnly
- alt.isInStreamerMode
- Permission Change warning on resource restart
- Blip.display
- Vector3 functions
- Added new alt.Player getter
→ Added currentWeaponComponents
→ Added currentWeapon
→ Added isInRagdoll
→ Added isAiming
→ Added armour
→ Added maxArmour
→ Added health
→ Added maxHealth
→ Added moveSpeed
→ Added aimPos
→ Added headRot
→ Added seat
→ Added entityAimingAt
→ Added entityAimOffset
→ Added isDead
→ Added flashlightActive
- alt.resourceName getter
- dynamic import
- alt.isGameFocused
- playerEnteringVehicle event
- console.log, console.warn and console.error
- alt.isKeyToggled
- alt.isKeyDown
- New Events
→ enteredVehicle Event (client)
→ leftVehicle Event (client)
→ changedSeat Event (client)
- random trailer detachments
- 2D Voice outside streaming range
- --connecturl
- path picker while installing
- privileges problems when installed in path, which needs higher privileges
- vehicle getters (gear, rpm, speed, wheel)
- wrong type of wheels count
- host and port command line argument
- Cover Sync Bug
- Invisible Animation Bug
- Invisible Tattoo Bug
- Vehicle Rotation
- Blip getters
- main menu drawing order
- background web views don’t react when menu or console is open
- Checkpoints
- tow truck crashes
- model getter
- dead body sync
- alt.getGxtText
- crash with RemoveAllWeapons on animal models
- control bug on removing weapons from animals
- model desync if the model was not set by the server
- player.rot
- vehicle.handling
- natives returning object instead of Vector3 instance
- clear streamSyncedMeta on stream out
- doubled triggered syncedMetaChange when DeleteSyncedMetaData used
- disallow Installation in GTA V folder
- Removed sync of setPlayerModel native
- Removed sync of setVehicleDoorsLocked native
- Removed sync of setEntityVisible native
- Reworked Mod loading
- Changed Versioning
- Reorder connection validation
- Pool errors, print hash instead of address
- LowPriorityProps always enabled (removed setter from altv.cfg)
- Improved SDK Version mismatch messages
- Clientside JS Module is now open source
- Increased file size for streaming to 32MB
- Increase CombatMeleeManager_Groups pool
- breakForce to brakeForce
- HandlingData.getForModel to HandlingData.getForHandlingName
- only script resources are using GTA Script threads
- Launcher Improvements
- vehicle getAttached
- vehicle getAttachedTo
- client-type to resource.cfg
- vehicle.repair()
- Player.clearBloodDamage
- New events
→ vehicleAttach
→ vehicleDetach
→ netOwnerChange
- bug with node_modules caching
- weaponDamage Event
- health & maxHealth
- armour and MaxArmour
- player heading setter
- teleporting into colshape issue
- slow alt.Player.all and alt.Vehicle.all getter
- Improved Long String Emits
- IsRoofOpened to GetRoofState
- SetRoofOpened to SetRoofState
- Removed alt.DefaultDimension and alt.GlobalDimension (client)
Server & Client
- alt.version
- alt.branch
- Permission System
- alt.Entity.all getter
- alt.once, alt.onceClient and alt.onceServer
- entity.visible