This update was released on 20.05.2022
This update contains breaking changes, which can potentially break the functionality of your gamemode, please verify and change accordingly.
- 10.1:
- Fixed problems with syncedMetaData
- 10.2:
- Fixed a crash on connect if ressource is missing
- Fixed a crash related to cef
- Fixed a crash related to vehicles
- CEF cache didnt get cleared
- 10.3:
- Fixed a crash related to disconnects
- Fixed a crash related to early auth
- Fixed a crash related to webviews
- Disabled default ipl loading
- 10.4:
- Fixed discord oAuth api
- Prevent alt:V from starting, if it's installed in GTA:V folder
- Add ascii check for paths
- 10.5:
- Removed ascii check for paths
- 10.6:
- Fixed a common crash regarding to mlo's and vehicles
- 10.7:
- Show broken asset warnings only in debug mode
- 10.8:
- Add handling for invalid archetypes to avoid crashes
- Add 2 more fixes to avoid crashes
- 10.9:
- Fixed a crash related to weapons
- Fixed 2 crashes related to clothes
- 10.10:
- Fix a hook which was broken after 10.9
- windowFocusChange Event
- netOwnerChange event for local player ownership changes
- loading rml document from string
- alt.setMinimapComponentPosition
- alt.setMinimapIsRectangle
- branch validation to launcher config
- alt.getScreenResolution
- windowResolutionChange event
- webview size setter & getter
- webview pos getter
- isRemote getter for blips
- increased 2d volume of sound api
- discord oAuth api
- alt.isCursorVisible()
- c# client module
- console connect command
- important missing ipls will be loaded by default now
- disable idle cam flag also disables vehicle idle cam now
- clientside created blips didn't delete on reconnect
- Rockstar launcher detected unexpected Files because of cef cache
- serverside blip attached to entity is not deleted with entity
- serverside created blip API category setter doesent update
- resolution change did not apply for rmlui
- webview visible setter before view is initialized didn't worked
- webview size and pos parameter in constructor
- pixelation in rmlui when resolution changes
- resource import/export
- missing collision for helicopters, what caused explosions
Breaking changes
- disabled document.execCommand in webviews
- getServerConfig method
- optimized synced meta data
- support for resources in subfolders
- error message when binding to invalid host address
- serverStarted event
- node inspector, source-maps, heap-profiler, profiler server.cfg entry for js module, global-fetch, global-webcrypto, network-imports (see https://docs.altv.mp/articles/configs/server.html for references)
- props & clothes setters returns a bool now
- collision & frozen setter, getter
- don't disable props when inside a bike, helicopter, submarine
- cancelable requestControl event
- hasAutoAttachTrailer to vehicleModelInfo
- isAccepted getter to ConnectionInfo
- arm64 build support
- blip rotation setter
- vehicles created on resource start will be missing in resource start
- empty resources got sended to client
- last command being executed when pressed enter
- checkpoint destroy
- utf-8 with BOM destroyed server.cfg
- GetResourceExports crashed the server
- calling OnCreateBaseObject for objects that got created before other resource existed
- netowner reset on migration in few cases
Server & Client
- resource class
- resourceStop and resourceStart events now support async functions, and will wait until the async function is resolved
- stringToSHA256 method
- alt.Utils class
JS Module
- Updated nodeJS to v17.7.0
- Fixed emitClient & emitClientRaw not sending events properly when passing an array of players
- Fixed JS module reserved commands are sent to users
C# Server Module
- Now AltV.Net NuGet depends on AltV.Net.Shared and AltV.Net.CApi. Consider that, if you specify dlls manually to move/deploy
- Floating point values now can be received as int in the events and meta
- Alt.Server was deprecated, use Alt.Core instead
- Function.Create was deprecated, use Alt.CreateFunction instead
- MValueBuffer2 constructor was deprecated, use Alt.CreateMValueBuffer instead
- MValueWriter2 constructor was deprecated, use Alt.CreateMValueWriter instead
- MValueObject old constructor was deprecated, use one with ICore as first argument
- MValueArray old constructor was deprecated, use one with ICore as first argument
- MValueAdapters API was deprecated, use corrseponding method from Alt instead
- VehicleBuilder was deprecated, use Vehicle constructor instead
- IColShape.IsPlayerIn was deprecated, use IColShape.IsEntityIn instead
- IColShape.IsVehicleIn was deprecated, use IColShape.IsEntityIn instead
- ICheckpoint.IsPlayerIn was deprecated, use ICheckpoint.IsEntityIn instead
- ICheckpoint.IsVehicleIn was deprecated, use ICheckpoint.IsEntityIn instead
- All entity async methods, and AltAsync async methods except for entity creation ones were deprecated. Use async entities instead. For more info see Async article in C# docs
- AltInteractions Trigger method did trigger all types at once. Now, there's a TriggerAll method for that.
Breaking changes
- IServer was renamed to ICore
- IEntityPool, IBaseObjectPool and IBaseBaseObjectPool method signatures were changed. (now they return a nullable entity, instead of returning boolean and entity via out variable)
- Alt.GetAll* methods now return IReadOnlyCollection instead of ICollection